Monday, September 30, 2019

Marketing Management: Why Some Companies

The growing demand for large businesses’ success in the market is now challenged by stiff competition. This particular competition then drives large organizations to find alternatives of testing the society whether they are going to accept the newly launched products or not. One particular type of such process is market testing. What is market testing? Market testing refers to the way by which the organizations try to find out if their products that is to be launched in the market be accepted and be well patronized or not. Of course, launching a product without actually knowing at least an overview of the results is much risky especially for newly established production companies. For several years, market testing has been treated by business organizations as a large disadvantage for large companies. Â   However, through years of observation, market testing has also been noted to have some certain flaws that reduce its advantage for producing companies. This particular information shall be given deeper discussion within the paragraphs that would follow. The Disadvantages There are at least three major disadvantages of market testing that makes it less-appealing to producing companies of the modern economy: Hints of product characteristics to the competitors in the industry: it could not be denied that among the people who are to be given samples of the product for the sake of testing may come from other companies who are competing with the organization. Once they get hold of the product, it is not impossible that the knowledge that they gain about it shall be used against the organization itself. Thus, the hints of the product’s strengths and weaknesses may be used by other companies to sabotage its formal launching to the market. Excess of production expenses spent for the samples: Most often than not, this is considered to be part of the production budget. As part of marketing, creating samples for the public indeed costs the company certain percentage of expenses. This is supposed to be eliminated to control the production excess. Certainly, this particular aspect of expense could be reduced if market testing is not utilized by the organization. Unsure Results from the Test: Usually, those who respond to the promotional period are not a hundred percent interested in the product. Moreover, they intend to appreciate the product at the time because of its being free. Hence, the statistical reports done after the testing is not anymore that assuring to the company. Conclusion Since there are major disadvantages in the usage of market testing methods, survey analysis are more effective at the present system of industrial and commercial advancement of business organizations. From this particular method, they are not only able to protect the entities of their new products but they are also able to take good care of their reputation and trademark as they keep it secret from their competitors in their own field of business. It is the aim of market analysis procedures to lessen the expenses of the organization from promotional activities and at the same time increase the possibility of their production success in the market. Hence, to do so, several organizations try to do away with the utilization of Market Testing and shift to its alternative of market survey analysis which is gained from ample research. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bert Vermeulen. SIMPLE MARKET TESTING. (2003).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Writing and Book Title

Crumples, and Crumples are either Bumpkins or Dumps. Based on this Information. Which of the following statements is/are true? L. II. Ill. IV A BCC A Bumpkin cannot be a Limpkin A Dumpling is always a Crumple A Limpkin can be a Rumple A Rumple can be a Dumpling I, II and Ill only I and IV only Ill and IV only Ill only Questions 2 and 3 refer to the following stimulus.Teachers from Bentley High School are concerned that students show many signs of redness and lack of concentration during the school day, and have blamed the Introduction of TV, Backbone and Namespace as the fundamental cause. A team of researchers, led by Dry Roy Peters, came in to assess the claim of the teachers by conducting a professional study. Dry Peters compiled 80 students at random from Year 9 of the school, and he formed four groups. Group 1 consisted of 20 students who were banned from watching TV for a month.Group 2 consisted of 20 students banned from accessing Backbone for a month. Group 3 consisted of 20 students manned from accessing Namespace for a month. Finally, Group 4 consisted of 20 students banned from watching TV, and banned from accessing Backbone and Namespace. English, Comparative, Guidelines Based on some recent emails, there seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to approaching the comparative study essay. Understandably, it is quite hard to organism your knowledge of these texts and make it into a coherent comparative.I felt there was no point in trying to write a sample essay, as everyone Is studying different texts. But here Is the bread and butter of It all†¦ In essence, you will be asked to write along the following essay titles (â€Å"modes of comparison†): – cultural context – vision and viewpoint – theme or Issue as explored in 3 texts. Usually 2 of 3 come up every year. This is an artificial division in terms of essay titles. You will end up writing about similar things In each of these essay. Just taking a different angl e each time.A comparative is just that ; don't try to impress the examiner with your in-depth knowledge of the texts – compare them, its okay to be a little superficial, but try to hit the three texts from all the different angles of comparison. To gain an understanding of the kind of organizing you need to do, have a look at my old notes: Comparative road map – my own scribbles. Click on image to enlarge. Don't try to read the details here (this sheet was filled out on the other side too). Just note how I had my 3 texts up across and issues/visions/cultural matters down.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Effective is Priestly in conveying them Essay

Priestly chose to write this play when he did, in 1945 because he had seen both world wars. He set it in 1912 because he knew what was to come, this way he had an insight to what was going to happen, so he could show the ignorance of the upper sector. Mr. Birling should understand the common people better than he does, especially as he came from a working class background. It would seem that he does not appreciate the working class anymore, as he would not even increase the wages of his workers. â€Å"They were averaging about twenty-two and six which was neither more nor less then is paid generally in our industry. They wanted the rates raised so that they could average about twenty-five shillings a week. † It is also evident that he runs his life by looking after himself first, as he tells Gerald and Eric at the beginning of the play â€Å"And as you were saying, dad, a man has to look after himself. † Mrs. Birling should have some understanding of Eva Smith because she is a governor of a charitable organisation to help women in desperate situations. But her ignorance gets in the way of her work, she doesn’t even think there is a possibility of there being more than one Birling family, so she dismisses Eva Smith straight away. â€Å"Yes I think it was simply a piece of gross impertenance – quite deliberate – and natrally that was one of the things that pedjudiced me against her. † Mrs. Birling’s ignorance is also apparent when she is saying what should happen to the young man who impregnated Eva Smith. Sheila had to learn, not to use status as an extended tool for jealousy. After Sheila has been told about her involvement in Eva Smith’s death she seems genuinly sorry for what she has done â€Å"And I know I’m to blame – and I’m desperately sorry† As well as what Sheila says, the stage directions like â€Å"distressed† are used to show how she is feeling. Her youth also opens her to the exposure of Inspector Goole â€Å"We are most impressionable on the young† this also makes us realise how Inspector Goole â€Å"breaks down the barriers†. When you are â€Å"far gone†, or as you would more commonly say it now, drunk, you are quite likely to get yourself into some sort of trouble as Eric learns. Unlike his parents and Sheila, Eric realises that what he did was wrong at the time and tried to make amends for it by giving Eva Smith money. â€Å"I insisted on giving her enough money to keep her going† At first when Eva Smith left him he didn’t change his ways, you can see this when he â€Å"helps himself to the decanter†. After the Inspector has gone through the events it looks like Eric has finally come to grips with what he has done and will make some sort of effort to change now, because of the imppression left on him by the Inspector. The message Inspector Goole is trying to present is that, whatever you do, you will eventually be judged for it. â€Å"We are members of one body. And I tell you that the time will soon come when, if men will not learn that lesson, then they will be taught it in fire, blood and anguish. † Inspector Goole also delivers the message that everyone must look after everyone else, and almost exactly contradicts Mr. Birling’s teaching of â€Å"every man has to look out for himself† or else the world will turn into a cold, miserable place, full of hatred and selfishness.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Egyptian Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Egyptian Art - Essay Example The size of the woman is almost half of the size of the man. Although the man is so big in comparison to the woman, both appears to be two mature people of approximately the same age. The woman cannot be mistaken to be a child despite her size because of her full body built and facial features. The man is almost naked showing his muscular upper body and sturdy arms and legs. His only body covering is some sort of a skirt. What makes him truly Egyptian is his head covering. The woman beside him wears a straight whole dress and has a straight, shoulder-length hair. The simplicity of the figure and attire of the woman as well as her physical position signify that she is subordinate to the man. In fact, I think the man is one of the Pharaohs of the old Egypt because of his headdress. The woman beside him could be one of his wives or mistresses. Their facial expressions are serious but not stern. In my own point of view, the artist is showing the two figures as clearly as he/she could portray for not any part of the body of each of the characters are hidden or distorted. They are portrayed as simply human beings except for their sizes, that is, the man is so big and the woman so small in comparison to him. On a closer scrutiny, I think the artist is showing the difference in stature and position between the man and the woman. The man is superior and the woman subordinate. This is not only manifested in the size of the figures but also in the manner of their dressing. The woman's attire is so simple compared to the man. There is not much adornment for the woman that may either show her to be a princess or queen. The way she is dressed may even suggest that she is a servant except that she lacks any tool or object that will prove it. Thus, it would be much safer to consider her as a portrayal of how inferior is a woman compared to the man. As to the figure style, the figures are rendered naturalistically, that is idealistically. The body parts are lean. These are they ways the ideal proportion and size of the human bodies should be. The man is shown as muscular and big while the woman should be petite with curves on the proper places like the breast and the belly despite the covering. I am just a little disturbed with the feet are carved, they are not carefully formed to the ideal size especially the toes. The figures are static. They appear to be just standing and having their pictures taken. Or they are shown to be there for display so that others may see them. On a closer look though, their presence already gives an impression that they are important and should be given due respect and honor. There is proportion in terms of the body parts of each figure, however, in contrast to each other, the woman is too tiny and the man so big. This must be the ideal sizes of humans in the period this was created. As mentioned earlier, this may be because of the intention of the artist that speaks of man's superiority over the woman. The artist did not put any other color on the figures except that of the natural lime color. Color is not applied maybe because it was the trend of the time. This does not diminish the effect that the sculpture has on the viewer. The sculpture is three-dimensional. The figures appear to be real people posing for a picture. Closely, when you stand beside the sculpture they seem to be real people that exude power and

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Climate Change and Deforestation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12500 words

Climate Change and Deforestation - Essay Example The forests with the huge abundance of trees play a major role in maintaining the carbon cycle in the earth’s environmental system. Tress effectively maintains the carbon cycle through the conversion of carbon present in the atmosphere to form its body and operate its respiratory system. Henceforth the trees, which are large storehouses of natural carbon, emit such vehemently into the atmosphere on being cut down or being burnt (Forests Forever). The practice of deforestation in several countries at increasing level led to the growth of temperature of the climate in several regions like Canada, United States and Australia to name a few. During the period ranging from 1990 to 2010 huge changes in climatic temperatures were recorded in these countries, which would be compared to the deforestation activities taken place in these regions during the stated period. However a range of recent findings conducted by environmentalists reflect that the event of deforestation tends to have an inverse impact on the climatic temperatures. The large number of studies conducted show that from the prehistoric times till date a large number of forest reserves have been cut or burned down amounting to large scale deforestation. Still in comparison to the magnitude of deforestation the climatic temperature has risen insignificantly. On the contrary, the large amount of deforestation has culminated to the cooling of the surface temperature of the earth. ... However a range of recent findings conducted by environmentalists reflect that the event of deforestation tends to have an inverse impact on the climatic temperatures. The large number of studies conducted show that from the prehistoric times till date a large number of forest reserves have been cut or burned down amounting to large scale deforestation. Still in comparison to the magnitude of deforestation the climatic temperature has risen insignificantly. On the contrary, the large amount of deforestation has culminated to the cooling of the surface temperature of the earth. Studies made suggest that owing to deforestation the reflective index of the earth’s surface has increased which radiates the solar heat to the atmosphere. This effect is mainly responsible for the cooling of the earth’s surface. Further owing to the large amounts of deforestation activities the earth’s upper crust has considerably cooled which caused the emergence of the northern and south ern hemisphere. These regions because of the cool surface temperatures have become too cold to be totally covered by ice. Again the progress of the earth’s cooling activities made the ice packed regions to become denser by the event of their joining up to form a unified mass (Renssen, Goosse and Fichefet). Background Impact of Climate Change The phenomenon of climate change is expected to produce a diversified base of different factors, which would tend to alter the ecological balance of the earth’s natural atmosphere. Observation shows that a rise in the temperature of the global climate can contribute heavily in altering the events of rainfall or snowfall in the world. This in turn would affect the moisture contents of the soil textures important for plant growth. Further, a rise in the

People in Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

People in Organizations - Essay Example We are all amateur psychologists, and the most successful influencers are able to assess accurately their target influencees, and adapt their influencing messages to suit them. Such adjustments lead to the creation of influencer-influencee rapport. The conversation of people who are in rapport flows, and both their body movements and their words become synchronized with each other. The recommendation to match the influencee so as to create rapport is itself based on the even broader notion of liking. This says that we like people like ourselves and, in consequence, will be more willing to comply with their requests (Aguinis, & Henle, 2001),. Not only do we know that people are different, but we also know that they are predictably different. Indeed, we spend a great deal of our time classifying them into broad types, and explaining the differences between the types. Every popular newspaper contains an astrological section which implies that Capricorns behave in one way and that Scorpios act in another. The twelve signs of the Zodiac represent one attempt at classifying people into personality types based on the time of the year in which they were born. How accurate or useful are they Historically, many attempts have been made to classify people according to their personalities. The Greek physician, Hippocrates, offered the temperaments model of personality. He believed that there were four basic personalities or temperaments - melancholic, choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic. In his view, each was determined by the amount and type of bile and phlegm that people possessed in their bodies (Aguinis, & Henle, 2001). Distinguishing Between Personality Types If you are to select a particular influencing approach on the basis of your target influencee's personality, then the personality framework employed has to be both easy to understand and simple to use. You need to be able to divide people into a very limited number of personality types or classes, based on the personality traits that they possess. In modern times, Carl Gustav Jung was the first to observe that people's behavior, rather than being individually unique, fitted into patterns, and that many of the seemingly random differences in human behavior were actually ordered and consistent (Lambert, 1996). It is obvious that any attempt to reduce personality into only four categories inevitably ignores the subtlety of human differences. On the other hand, anything more complex is unusable by an influencer. For this reason, in using these four personality stereotypes, one is inevitably trading accuracy off against ease of use. The framework does allow you to classify the individual whom you may wish to influence in a simple way using your observation of their behavior and the examination of their created work or home environment. Such information can then be immediately put into practice. Personality Testing One obvious way to understand the relationship of individual differences to work-related behavior is to examine the applied literature on personality testing in the workplace. Psychological tests, attempting to measure individual differences related to occupational behaviors, have been used for over 60 years, and there now exist nearly 80,000 occupational-related tests. Both world wars, particularly the second, were

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Employee relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Employee relations - Essay Example It is possible that major changes in the work shift schedule that these employees have to go through combined with a high level of work-related stress could endanger the physical health of the employees. Stressors at work can either be external or internal. (Ward et al., 2003) External stressors include extreme physical condition such as hot or cold room temperatures. An evidence-based research was conducted by Gershon et al. (2007) shows that there is a significant relationship between organizational climate and musculoskeletal disorders. In some cases, poor working environment related to insufficient lighting or the presence of noise pollution could also lead to stressful working condition. Several studies suggest that one of the risk factors that may have contributed to call centre agents’ upper limb discomfort includes the insufficient mobility while at work. (Lynn et al., 2001; Greening et al., 1999) Particularly the work-related ‘social demands’ such as the personal interaction of call centre agents with the clients and ‘organizational demands’ which includes excessive work load and responsibility could contribute to neck and lower back pains. (Daraiseh et al., 2003) Poor body posture at work also increases the workers’ risk of having a chronic ne ck pain. (Aptaker, 1996) Considering the large number of young mothers who are working with the company, it would be very difficult to force this group of employees to work during school holidays especially when there is nobody to take care of their children. Requiring sick employees and worried mothers to be present at work is not a good idea since employees will not be able to deliver a good quality customer service to the Phone-us clients. Implementing a strict organizational rule on absenteeism may only cause these employees to become de-motivated from working with the company. As a result, it is expected that the quality

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research about Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research about Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The regime uses security forces and the military to crack down on protesters (Amnesty International on human Rights web). According to the International Crisis Group, Saudi Arabia is a troubled place coupled with militant activities. Execution of innocent civilians is the order of the day and the same usually go unreported. The Shiite group, which is the minority group, has been economically displaced in their own country (web). The U.S department of State has echoed the same sentiments about Saudi Arabia. Although many issues mentioned by U.S department of State talk about conflicts, the most discussed issues about Saudi Arabia are political and socio-economic issues (U.S department of State web). Internally Displaced Monitoring Center (web) presents valuable information regarding Saudi Arabia social issues relating to internal displacement. It is claimed that the number of internally displaced citizens is increasing and more aid has been directed towards efforts to sustain the internally displaced persons. With all these conflicts, social, and political issues going on, a viable solution needs to be put in place. Amnesty International. â€Å"Saudi Arabia†. 2012. Web, 5 March, 2012.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Scheduling and Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scheduling and Project Management - Essay Example (Duncan, 1996, pp.4-5) Project Management involves balancing a number of competing demands on time, cost, and quality, and meeting the expectations of various stakeholders. Although several aspects of project management such as PERT/CPM planning are unique to it, there are other areas that overlap with other functional areas of management such as organizational behaviour, financial forecasting, and contracting. (Duncan, 1996, p.8) In order to take care of these activities, project management needs an organization structure. The commonly employed organizational structures are functional, project, and matrix structures. Under functional structure, all similar functional activities such as finance or HR are grouped together under one common head. In a project specific structure, the project manager has different functional experts under her. Matrix structures are those in which there is dual control. Wal-Mart, being primarily a retail giant, is unlikely to have a purely project specific management structure. This means that the project manager will have to get things done through functional heads.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Deer at Providence Essay Example for Free

Deer at Providence Essay Annie Dillard is a renowned essayist; having won the prestigious Pulitzer Prize of 1975 and written a number of books such as Teaching a Stone to Talk (1982), An American Childhood (1987), The Writing Life (1989) among others. In this article, The Deer of Providence, she comes out as a great writer and a lover of nature, who seeks the mysteries and excitement that come upon interaction with new natural environments (Dillard, ). We can be able to gather the main purpose of Annie’s as being the fact that suffering is a natural phenomenon hence people shouldn’t wonder why it has happened but should cope and move on; because its nature. According to the article, Annie is the youngest of four travellers from North America and the only woman in the group. They camp at a small village called Providence in the Amazon jungle and witness a shocking occurrence involving a deer which had been captured by the village dogs. The deer had developed injuries on its thin neck as it struggles to free itself from the rope now tying three of its hooves. They later had a sumptuous meal of well-prepared fish and a previously caught deer with rice and some bananas as well. As they headed to their tents for a goodnight sleep, it becomes apparent that the men had been astonished by Annie’s ability to look at the struggling deer at Providence without the feeling of remorse. Annie remembers her bathroom picture, at home, of a man who had burnt his face off for the second time in his life. This is where Annie’s main theme is revealed; Pain and suffering has got little or nothing to do with an individual, human or just a deer; it’s simply nature (Dillard, 1945). To support her thesis of pain and suffering being part of nature, Annie Dillard uses the illustration of the Deer of providence’s struggle and the burnt man in a newspaper article; a Mr. McDonald. I think the two examples are good enough to bring out the fact that nature doesn’t discriminate; whether human or not, we are prone to pain and suffering. The two scenarios perfectly illustrate the writer’s opinion and though they might seem to have different settings and occurrences, they correspond to the purpose. However, some differences arise from the wo examples given by Dillard. First is the cause of suffering in the two scenarios where we are able to observe that in the case of the deer of providence, it was another creature, the dogs and humans, who caused the deer to endure the pain and suffering. In Mr. , McDonald’s case, nobody was to blame for the pain and suffering he endured; it was a pure accident. The Second difference that comes out is the end r esult after the suffering where in the case of the deer it’s obvious that death will be the final result while in Mr. McDonalds case, there’s a chance of survival as witnessed in his earlier burning experience (Dillard, 1945). The similarities can also be derived such as the issue of both occurrences causing pain and suffering to those involved. Whether the pain endured is as a result of another creatures actions or not; whether the victims survived the ordeal or not (Mr. McDonald may have also died) equal pain and suffering was endured which, as Dillard the writer insists, is the main purpose of the illustrations. Annie Dillard manages to bring out her thesis and effectively supports it with examples which vehemently appeal to me as the reader. The way she argues out her opinion is quite persuasive and the fact that she uses her own experiences, both in the jungle and in the comfort of her home, shows the belief she has of suffering and pain in the world.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

J. David Bamberger: A Biography

J. David Bamberger: A Biography A  champion  of  land  stewardship  and  habitat  restoration J. David Bamberger has become an internationally known and highly respected conservationist who has dedicated his life work to protecting the environment while using its resources. He has transformed a once blighted.useless property into a beautiful sanctuary that serves as a model for others interested in habitat restoration. He has made strides in protecting and growing certain endangered species populations which have made positive impacts around the world. Bamberger shares the knowledge he has gained throughout his life by teaching others through trainings and workshops. Bamberger grew up in rural Ohio during the Great Depression and World War II. He had always admired the Amish for their ability to live in harmony with the land. (Greene, 2007) His father was a farmer so he learned to grow food at a young age. (Mcleod, 2001) His mother gave him a book titlePleasant Valley, written by Louis Bromfield, when he was growing up. Bromfield was an American advocate for land restoration and he wrote about his ideas in that book. Bamberger once said if I ever make money I want to do what Bromfield did,(Greene,  2007) referring to his work in habitat restoration. According to Goodwyn, (2010), Bamberger began working in Ohio as a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman in the 1940s. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree from Kent State University in 1950 before he moved to Texas where he continued to sell vacuum cleaners. He worked long hard hours with few days off to make as much money as he could, as he was paid by commission. Although his family was disappointed in his initial career choice according to Goodwyn (2010), he was able to bank half of a million dollars over a ten year period. Then he met another vacuum salesman named Bill Church who was trying to expand his fried chicken restaurant but needed some financial backing. Bamberger used some of his fortune to invest into the company known as Churchs Fried Chicken and became a partner in that business. By the  late 1960s the restaurant expanded across Texas making them both very wealthy. Bamberger used the wealth he had worked for to fulfill a lifetime dream in habitat restoration. Goodwyn (2010) reported while realtors were trying to show him properties with air strips and nice houses, he told them he wanted something nobody else wants. He ended up purchasing a 5500 acre ranch that was full of juniper plants which choke out other plants by spreading and taking over the landscape so nothing else can grow, reported in the article Restoring the Range. The land was overgrazed from years of misuse and there was little topsoil which had been blown away by wind due to the absence of plant root systems which would have held moisture in the soil. The creeks on the property were mostly dried up and not supporting the habitat. The animals that lived on the ranch were undernourished as well due to the lack of food in the area. Bamberger worked for decades to restore the ecological balance of the property.   He cleared the land of Juniper, carved plateaus into the hillsides to hold rain water, planted grass to hold the soil in place and to absorb the water into the soil. (Goodwyn, 2010). He changed and improved the water distribution across the property and planted trees and wildflowers according to the article Restoring the Range. Mcleod (2001) cited the incredible work he has accomplished on his property is evident by simply looking at his fence line. On one side of the fence, Junipers are still ravaging the landscape while on his side of the fence there are fields of grass along with a diversity of many other plants. The wildlife on the property have prospered on the revitalized ground according to the research. Bamberger said there were initially 48 species of birds when he first acquired the property but that number has climbed to over 219 species. (Restoring the Range, 2012) At the beginning the best deer harvested weighed 55 pounds after field dressing. (Mcleod, 2001) Now the average weight is 105 pounds. The ranch is also a working farm that raises and sells livestock. According to Goodwyn (2010), he used one square mile of his property to provide a  habitat for a highly endangered Scimitar-homed Oryx, an antelope that had disappeared from the African Sahara. The animal is currently extinct in the wild but still bred in captivity. The ranch is now home to a large herd of thriving Oryx and breeding aged males are regularly traded with  zoos and other animal preserves to preserve genetic diversity. He carved a three dome cave into a hillside on his property in 1998 and lined the ceiling wi th gunite, a mixture of cement, sand, and water that is generally sprayed into tunnels to line them with a hard dense layer. This is now  home to more than 400,000 Mexican Free-Tailed Bats.   Bamberger ranch has been one of the largest habitat restorations in Texas.   His work has not only improved the quality oflife for the 5500 acres and species living there, but has served as a model for others to follow. Goodwyn (2010) acknowledged he has improved the water quality of the water on his land which positively effects everyone downstream of his property. Bamberger hosts research on grasslands and range management at the ranch. He holds conferences and educational workshops on habitat restoration for students, landowners,  scientists, and conservation agencies.   He has earned dozens of awards for his work on the ranch and in the community. J. David Bambergers life journey is an inspiration to others. His inspiration came from a book his mother bought him. He worked hard, saved money, and fulfilled his dream. He found the worst piece of property he could find and he was able to transform it into a model for land stewardship. The refurbished property now boasts healthy water and vegetation. His work didnt stop there, as he added endangered species to the property,   as well as helped the species that  were already there to prosper. Then, he continued to help the enviromnent by passing on the knowledge he has gained through his experience to others by hosting training and workshops. He has shown that everyone can make a difference if they set their mind to it. Works Cited Around the Nation. Texas Rancher An Unlikely Environmentalist, Heard on All Things  Considered, by Wade Goodwyn, 2 February 2010 l The Austin Chronicle, Day Trips, J. David Bamberger has taken a slice of the Hill Country and restored it to pristine beauty, by Gerald E. Mcleod, 12   October   2001 l/ Making a Difference: Restoring the Range, posted 29 May 2012 https :// Water From Stone, The Story of Selah, Bamberger Ranch Preserve, by Jeffrey Greene, 26 March  2007

Friday, September 20, 2019

Total Quality Management Information Technology Essay

Total Quality Management Information Technology Essay Indeed to focusing for why use six sigma. There are many great benefits of using six sigma in any business, but only we can truly determine wither it is right for our or not. The answer, it is a fact-based data driven statistical analysis of how business operates and where improvements can be made if executed properly. (Assistant, 2009) Thomas Pyzdek in his six sigma handbook mentioned a real story that began when Japanese firm took over a Motorola factory that manufactured Quasar television sets in USA in the 1970s, they promptly set about making drastic changes in the way the factory operated. Under Japanese management, the factory was soon producing TV sets with 1/20th as many defects as they had produced under Motorolas management. They did this using the same workforce, technology, and designs and did it while lowering costs, making it clear that the problem was Motorolas management. It took a while but, eventually, even Motorolas own executives finally admitted (Pyzdek, page 04, 2003) For more, Six Sigma is a tool to improve the effectiveness and quality of the process outputs in order to deliver customer satisfaction by recognizing and eliminating the causes of defects and drive down the inefficiency by minimizing variability in business processes. The six-sigma level reflects a process in which 99.99966% of the process is free of defects, in other words, no more than four dissatisfied customer experiences in every one million opportunities. Compared to a one-sigma process in which only 31% is free of defects, with the meaning of hundreds of thousands of dissatisfied customer experiences in every one million opportunities. As an example, one misspelled word in a library is considered six sigma, where as having one misspelled words in a cyclopedia is considered a five sigma, and 2 misspelled words in each page of a book is considered a 3 sigma. As you can see the main reason is to increase profitability with improve customer value and increase the business efficiency. Works Cited Assistant, b. S. (2009, 9 18). Retrieved 11 16, 2010, from Six Sigma Online: Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Wiley. Pearson, J. M. (2003, January 1). Manage your customers perception of quality. Pyzdek, T. (2003). The Six Sigma Handbook. Mc Graw- Hill trade. Evaluate the concept of Total Quality management from the perspective of various organizations. Discuss the tools and techniques of Total Quality Management for service organization in detail Total Quality Management (TQM) it is the enhancement to the traditional way of doing business. It is a proven technique to guarantee survival in world class competition. Only by changing the actions of management will the culture and actions of an entire organization be transformed. Total Made up of the whole Quality Degree of excellence o product or service. Management Act, art, or manner of handling, controlling, directing etc. TMQ is the art of managing the whole to achieve excellence. It is the set of guiding principles that represent the foundation of a continuously improving organization and application of qualitative methods and human resources to improve all the processes within organization and exceeds needs now and in the future. Its integrated fundamental management techniques, existing improvement efforts, and technical tools under a disciplined approach. Total quality management has six basic concepts: Management must participate in the quality program. A quality council must be established to develop a clear vision, set long-term goals, and direct the program. Quality goals are included in the business plan. An annual quality improvement program is established and involves input from the entire work force. Managers Focus on the customer. An excellent place to start is by satisfying internal customers. We must listen to the voice of the customer and emphasize design quality and defect prevention. All personnel must be trained in TQM, statistical process control, and other appropriate quality improvement skills, so they can effectively participate on project teams. Including internal customers and, for the matter, internal supplier on project team is an excellent approach. Those affected by the plan must be involved in its development and implementation. Changing behavior is the goal. People must come to work not only to do their jobs, but also to think about how to improve their jobs, people must be empowered at the lowest possible level to perform processes in an optimum level. There must be a continual striving to improve all business and production process. Quality improvement projects, such as on-time delivery, order entry efficiency, billing error rate, customer satisfaction, cycle time, scrap reduction, and supplier management are good places to begin. Technical techniques such as statistical process control, benchmarking, quality function development, ISO 9000, and designed experiments are excellent for problem solving. Works Cited Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Wiley. Pearson, J. M. (2003, January 1). Manage your customers perception of quality. Pyzdek, T. (2003). The Six Sigma Handbook. Mc Graw- Hill trade. What is ISO 9000 standers? ISO 9000 standards are principles that the International Organization for Standardization or ISO, maintains. According to ISO9000Council, businesses that follow the standards successfully have an ISO 9000 QMT (quality management system). Function: The article We Need More Standards Like ISO 9000 describes ISO 9000 as a group of standards that companies implement to enhance performance in real life scenarios. Although many industries use ISO 9000 now, the standards were originally created for businesses that manufacture or design products. Features: ISO states the individual ISO 9000 standards outline practices needed to establish and maintain quality management. Covered issues include continual improvement, costs and benefits, leadership, quality assurance, quality system principles and risks. History: We Need More Standards like ISO 9000 reports that ISO 9000 originated from the British Standards Institute Technical Committees attempts to produce generic guidelines for quality manufacturing in 1979. ISO formalized the principles in 1987 by publishing ISO 9000, which is currently the organizations most implemented standard. Benefits: ISO 9000 helps companies determine exactly how to achieve quality in various areas, and enhance sales and relationships with consumers when they obtain ISO certification. Considerations: ISO 9000 Council states participating companies must create detailed ISO 9000 documentation explaining how the company applies the standards within the organization. Works Cited American Society for Quality: ISO 9000 and Other Standards Association for Computing Machinery: We Need More Standards Like ISO 9000 International Organization for Standardization: ISO 9000 Essentials ISO9000Council What are the seven basic quality tools? Stem-and-leaf plot or histogram: is the most commonly used graph to show frequency distributions. It looks very much like a bar chart, but there are important differences between them. Check sheet: is a structured, prepared from for collecting and analyzing data, so it will be used when data can be observed and collected repeatedly by the same person or at the same location. In this method decision should be taken what event or problem should be observed then operational definitions should be developed, and at what time data should be collected and for how long should be decided. Finally designing the form will be done. Set it up so that data can be recorded simply by making check marks. Pareto chart: is a bar graph. The lengths for the bars represent frequency or cost (time or money), and arranged with longest bars on the left and the shortest to the right. Cause-and-effect diagram: is a formal tool frequently useful in unlayering potential problem cases. It can be used to structure a brainstorming session. It immediately sorts ideas into useful categories. It can be used when identifying possible causes for a problem and also when a teams thinking tends to fall into ruts. Defect concentration diagram: is a picture of the unit, showing all relevant views. Then the various types of defects are down on the picture, and the diagram is analyzed to determine whether the location of the defects on the unit conveys any useful information about the potential causes of the defects. Scatter diagram: is a useful plot for identifying a potential relationship between two variables. If the variables are controlled, the points will fall along a line or curve. The better the correlation, the tighter the points will hug the line. Control chart: is a graph used to study how a process changes over time. Data are plotted in time order. A control chart always has a central line for the average, an upper line for the upper control limit and a lower line for the lower control limit. These lines are determined from historical data. By comparing current data to these lines, you can draw conclusions about whether the process variation is consistent (in control) or is unpredictable (out of control, affected by special causes of variation). Works Cited Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Wiley. Pyzdek, T. (2003). The Six Sigma Handbook. Mc Graw- Hill trade. Explain the position of leadership in Total Quality Management. Discuss the characteristics of an effective leader regarding ensuring the quality of daily-use products in the current economic circumstances. The definition of the Leadership that who instills purposes, not one who controls by brute force. A leader strengthens and inspires the followers to accomplish shared goals. Leaders shape the organizations values, promote the organizations vales. An organizations senior leaders should set directions and create a customer focus, clear and visible values, and high expectations. The directions, values, and expectations should balance the needs of all your stakeholders. Leaders should ensure the creations of strategies, systems and methods for achieving excellence, stimulating innovation and building knowledge and capabilities. The values and strategies should help guide all activities and knowledge and capabilities. The values and strategies should help guide all activities and decisions of your organization. Senior leaders should inspire and motivate your entire workforce and should encourage all employees to contribute, to develop and learn to be innovative and to be creative. These are the following Characteristics of Quality Leaders They give priority attention to external and internal customers and their needs. Leaders place themselves in the customers choose and service their needs from that perspective. They continually evaluate the customers changing requirements. Leaders empower rather than control, subordinate they have the trust and confidence in the performance of their subordinates. They provide the resources, training and work environment to help subordinates to do their jobs. However the decision to accept responsibility lies within individual. They emphasize improvement rather than maintenance they use the phrase If it isnt perfect, improve it rather than If it isnt broke, dont fix it. There is always room for improvement, even if the improvement is small. Major breakthrough sometimes happen but its the little ones that keep the continuous process improvement on a positive track. They emphasize prevention. An ounce of prevention is a worth a pound of cure is certainly true. It is also true that perfection can be the enemy of creativity. We cant always wait until we have created the perfect process or product. There must be balance between preventing problems and developing better, but not perfect process. They encourage collaboration rather than competition. When functional areas, departments, or works groups are in competition, they may find suitable ways of working against each other or withholding information. Instead, there must be collaboration among and within units. They train and coach, rather than direct and supervise. Leaders know that the development of the human resource is a necessary. As coaches, they help their subordinates learn to do better job. They learn from problems. When a problem exists it is treated as an opportunity rather than something to be minimized or covered up. what caused it? and how can we prevent it in the future? are the questions quality leaders ask. They continually try to improve communication. Leaders continually disseminate information about the TQM efforts. They continually demonstrate their commitment to quality. They choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not price. Works Cited Assistant, b. S. (2009, 9 18). Retrieved 11 16, 2010, from Six Sigma Online: Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Wiley. Pyzdek, T. (2003). The Six Sigma Handbook. Mc Graw- Hill trade. Explain the customers perception regarding quality. Discuss the measures to be taken by a manufacturing organization to handle customer complaints to provide feedback for continuous process improvement. The basic concept of the TQM attitude is continuous process of improvement. This concept implies that there is no acceptable quality level because the customers needs values and expectation are constantly changing and becoming more demanding. By the way, customers have following perception regarding quality; Performance, Features, Service, Warranty, Price, and Reputation. The first of all is the performance, its involved fitness for use a phrase that indicates that the product and service is ready for the customers use at the time if sale. Other considerations are: Availability which is the probability that a product will operate when needed. Reliability is freedom from failure over time. Maintainability is the ease in keeping and operating product. The second is the features, identifiable features or attributes of a product or service are psychological time oriented contractual ethical and technological. Features are secondary characteristics of the product or service. For example the primary function of an automobile is transportation whereas a car stereo system is a feature of an automobile. The third is the service, an emphasis on customer service is emerging as a method for organizations to give the customer added value. However, customer service is an intangible-it is made up of many small things. All geared to changing the customers perception. Intangible characteristics are those traits that are not quantifiable, yet contribute greatly to customer satisfaction, providing excellent customers service is different from the more difficult to achieve than excellent product quality. Organizations that emphasize service never stop looking for and finding ways to serve their customers better, even if their customers are not complaining. The forth is the warranty, the product represents an organizations public promise of a quality product backed up by a guarantee of customer satisfactions. A warranty forces the organization has to focus on the characteristics of product and service quality and the importance the customer attaches to each of those characteristics. The sixth is the price, customers are willing to pay higher price to obtain value. Costumers are constantly evaluating one organizations products and services against those of its competitors to determine who provides the greatest value. The seventh is the reputation, most of us find ourselves rating organizations by our overall experience with them. Total customer satisfaction is based on the entire experience with the organization not just the product. Good experiences are repeated to six people and bad experiences are repeated to 15 people therefore it is more difficult to create a favorable reputation. (Pearson, 2003) Works Cited Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Wiley. Pearson, J. M. (2003 , January 1). Manage your customers perception of quality. Suppose a product manager is trying to establish regulations concerning the maximum number of boxes that can occupy a forklift. It is given that the total weight of 8 boxes chosen at random follows a normal distribution with a mean of 820 kg and a standard deviation of 140 kg. What is the probability that the total weight of 8 boxes exceeds 880 kg? Look at z score table for probability is 0.66640 The data shown here are and R values for 24 samples of size n=5 taken from a process producing bearings. The measurements are made on the inside diameter of the bearing, with only the last three decimals recorded (i.e., 34.5 should be 0.50345) (5-1. Page248) Set up and R charts on this process seem to be in statistical control? If necessary, revise the trial control limits. If specifications on this diameter are 0.5030 Â ± 0.0010, find the percentage of nonconforming bearings produced by this process. Assume that diameter is normally distributed. From Table VI at n=5 , , Chart: The process is not in statistical control; x bar chart is beyond the UCL for both No. 12 and 15. Assuming an assignable cause is found for these two out-of-control points, the two samples can be excluded from the control limit calculations. R Chart Works Cited Montgomery, D. C. (2005). Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. Wiley.(pg.248) What is Kanban system? And what are the different types of Kanban system? The system that is used to achieve Just-in-Time (JIT) production is called Kanban system (Richards). This system is based on the part of pulling just the right amount of components or materials needed at the right time. It depends on the part of the customer demand which in turn acts as a reactive process from the supplier. As the word Kanban in Japanese means visible record or visible part, the mechanism used is a Kanban card which acts as a means of signal to replenish the materials or inventory repetitively within the organization (Bali, 2003). The Principle of the Kanban is to follow the pull system where until the customer sends the signal for the demand, the product will not be produced. Two main types of Kanban cards widely used are: Withdrawal (Conveyance) Kanban: This system enables to pass on the authorization to move the materials from stage to the other. It creates a cycle by moving the parts from stage to the next and keeps the remaining until the last one is consumed and this withdrawal Kanban goes back again to get the parts. The withdrawal card is specified with details such as material number, name, size, name or location of the next process and number of the materials needed. Production-ordering Kanban The Production Kanban is used to provide an order to the previous stage indicating to produce the kind and number of parts required. The production-ordering Kanban is often called an in-process Kanban or simply a production Kanban (Richards). The following information is necessary on the production Kanban card such as what materials are required, parts required and the information on the withdrawal card. The withdrawal card does not have this information as it is used only as a mean of communication between stages (Kanban Systems,). Some of the other cards are: Supplier Kanban/Subcontractor Kanban: When parts are needed by the assembly line, this Kanban is used to indicate orders given to outside suppliers (Just-in-Time/Kanban,). Here the parts required are in assembled form. Emergency Kanban: If any occurrence of defective work, then this Kanban card is temporarily inserted to correct it in case of demand. It is used only for extraordinary purposes and is later collected after usage. Through Kanban: When adjacent work centers are close to each other this Kanban is used as it combines both the withdrawal and production into one. Works Cited Bali, B. (2003). Kanban systems the Sterling Engine Manufacturing Cell. Baudin, M. (2001). Whats Unique about Kanban system? . What is the acceptance sampling problem, and what is advantages and disadvantages of sampling? According to chapter one in textbook acceptance sampling is concerned with inspection and decision making regarding products, one of the oldest aspects of quality assurance. Advantage of Acceptance Sampling: Less Expensive because of less inspection. Less handling of product hence that reduced damage. Applicable to destructive testing. Fewer personnel are involved in inspection activities. Greatly reduces the amount of inspection error. The rejection of entire lots as opposed to the simple return of defectives often provides a stronger motivation to the supplier for quality improvements. Disadvantage of Acceptance Sampling: Risks are there accepting bad lots and rejecting Good lots. Less information is usually generated about the product or about the process that manufactured the product. Requires the planning and documentation of the procedure in which 100% of inspection cannot be done.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Apollo vs. The Palette of Narmer Essay -- essays research papers

The two works of art that have been chosen to compare and contrast are The Palette Of Narmer and Apollo of Veii. The Palette Of Narmer dates back to the Hierakonpolis Dynasty 1 in 3100 BCE. The Palette of Narmer is interesting because it is the oldest historic work of art that names a person, and is the earliest piece of art that uses hieroglyph. This artwork depicts the dawn of a new age of man and his use of writing and pictographs in art. The statue of Apollo, from Veii comes from the Etruscan art period Apollo was created around 500 BCE. It was created by a very popular sculpture of his time, by the name of Vulca. The delicate technique of firing clay is fascinating. A sculptor of Vulca’s ability was required to know how to construct a large figure so that it did not fall under it’s own weight. He had to know how to precisely regulate the temperature of a kiln large enough to fit a statue of almost 6 ft tall, for a long period of time. The fact that to this day, Vu lca is the only Etruscan Sculpture whose works of art have survived the test of time, show his genius in his creations. The Palette Of Narmer is made of mudstone, which is a kind of shale. It is a flat stone with circular depressions on it. Palettes were common utensil of the time. It is believed that this flat stone was used for grinding eye paint. This eye paint was used for both men and women to prevent eye infections and possibly also used to reduce the glare of the bright desert sun. The Palette Of Narmer...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Human Nature in Lord of the Flies Essay -- essays

Human Nature in Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a captivating narrative in which the reader lives through the trials and tribulations of a society set up and run by a group of marooned British teens. Golding believes that the basic nature of the individual is evil. The group ultimately proves this thesis by their actions. The evils of the individual are shown through the actions of the group’s hunter Jack, the murders of two members of the society, Simon and Piggy, the attempted murder of the group’s leader Ralph, and the ultimate destruction of the island. Jack has a natural longing to be number one, he was not satisfied with being the leader of the hunters, and this ultimately caused many of the conflicts in the novel. Jack as a senior member of the group felt that he had every right to be the leader and in this he caused the downfall of the society. He used the skills he learned as the leader of the hunters to turn the society against Ralph and the members that would not follow him in his quest to be number one. Simon is the...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

“Pygmalion” explores Bernard Shaw’s idea

â€Å"Pygmalion† explores Bernard Shaw's idea that people should not be limited by the social class into which they were born; that they should have a chance to improve themselves by gaining an education. This is called the â€Å"nature versus nurture† debate, which marked a major change in Victorian England. Should we remain in the position we were born into (nature), as was the basic Victorian belief, or can we change our status; establish equality between people regardless of age, gender and race (nurture)? Education is the foundation of these aims and is presented in the play as a way of self-improvement through teaching and training, whether it is academically or socially based. The characters around Eliza treat her with contempt. When Eliza convinces Mrs Eynsford Hill to buy flowers from her, her daughter, Clara says to her mother â€Å"Make her give you the change. These things are only a penny a bunch†¦ Sixpence thrown away! (She retreats in disgust). † This shows the upper classes view those beneath them as worthless-the money is not spent or given but is â€Å"thrown away† as if it has been put in the dustbin. Clara does not address Eliza, but talks as if she is not there, showing that Clara wants to distance herself from Eliza. This indicates that the majority of the upper classes believed in â€Å"nature†; everyone had a set place in society that could not be changed. It also shows that Clara is not as well educated as she would like to think; she does not believe in self-improvement, and so does not understand the concept of education. Eliza however, believed in bettering her situation in life. â€Å"I want to be a lady in a flower shop ‘stead of sellin' at the corner†, proving that she was an ambitious character, and believed in fulfilling her potential. This demonstrates that Eliza believes in the â€Å"nurture† side of the argument, and even though she has not received an outstanding amount of education, she is willing to be educated in order to change herself as a person. She is also ashamed of her current status. When she takes a taxi to her home, she tells the taxi-driver to go to â€Å"Bucknam Pellis†. When the driver questions her, she replies â€Å"Of course I havnt none (any business there). But I wasn't going to let him know that. You drive me home†¦ Angel Court, Drury Lane, next Meiklejohn's oil shop. This reflects her proud personality-she doesn't want to look â€Å"lower class† in front of Freddie. It also highlights her situation in life as it contrasts her poverty to the richness of the royal family. It shows her lack of knowledge of social matters because she does not know anywhere else that is an affluent area, and so is unconvincing at being â€Å"upper class†. However, by the end of the play, she manages to make everyone believe that she is a duchess, which proves that she has learned a great deal socially. We immediately assume that Higgins is rude, as a result of one of the first things he says. Oh, shut up, shut up. Do I look like a policeman? † This is supposed to reassure Eliza, but with his sarcasm and abrupt language, he does little to console her, implying that he has poor social skills. If he choose to improve these it would make him a better person; he would become more compassionate towards others. Higgins boasts about his talent for improving men's statuses, when they have moved up the social ladder. â€Å"Men begin in Kentish town with i80 a year, and end up in Park lane with 100 thousand. They want to drop Kentish Town, but give themselves away every time they open their mouths. Now I can teach them†¦ I can place any man within two miles of London. Sometimes within two streets. † This shows that Higgins is a learned man. It also proves that there are different types of education; there is a contrast between Higgins' knowledge and Eliza's. Higgins first sees Eliza as â€Å"so deliciously low, so horribly dirty†¦ I shall make a duchess of this draggletailed guttersnipe. † He sees her as a challenge, and focuses on her appearance. He calls her names because â€Å"the girl doesn't belong to anybody-is no use to anybody but me. Higgins regards her as an object without an owner, which again highlights his lack of inter-personal skills. Higgins' lack of social education is contrasted against that of the Colonel. Pickering asks, â€Å"Does it occur to you, Higgins, that the girl has some feelings? † To which Higgins replies â€Å"Oh no, I don't think so. Not any feelings that we need bother about. † This indicates Higgins's complete lack of respect towards Eliza, and that he only sees her as an experiment, not as a human being. He regards well-educated people as his equal, so by teaching Eliza, he is able to change his opinion of her. Again, this reflects the â€Å"nurture† side of the â€Å"nature versus nurture† debate; by educating people, we can overcome our prejudices and promote equality. Eliza's first reaction towards Higgins is totally the opposite of Higgins's reaction. She acts â€Å"(quite overwhelmed, looking up at him in mingled wonder and deprecation without daring to raise her head. )† This is partly because of his talent at placing accents, and also due to the respect she has for his standing in society. The difference in their reactions reflects Higgins and Eliza's characters. We can see that as Eliza's social skills are more acceptable, (even though her academic and social standing is below Higgins) she draws a more favourable conclusion. It shows that she has a better social awareness than Higgins, so she is able to educate him, which again, encourages equality. The first learning point for Eliza occurred at Higgins's house, where she learned elements of social ritual. Firstly, Mrs. Pearce shows her the bathroom, where Eliza has to get accustomed to the differences in standards of hygiene of the higher classes. She is not used to having a bath. â€Å"You expect me to wet myself all over? † she exclaims, when Mrs. Pearce shows her the bathroom. â€Å"It's not natural: it would kill me. I've never had a bath in my life† This demonstrates how dirty she is, and how unaccustomed Eliza is with soap and water; hygiene is a major aspect that Eliza learns while staying at Higgins's house. However, her attitude dramatically changes, and she even says, â€Å"washing is a treat†, showing how rapidly education can change ones opinions. Mrs Pearce is shocked by Eliza's nightly habits; â€Å"do you mean to say that you sleep in the underclothes you wear in the daytime? † This again highlights the difference between the classes. Higgins' fine furnishings contrast starkly with her cramped living conditions on Drury Lane. â€Å"I couldn't sleep here,† Eliza tells him. â€Å"It's too good for the likes of me. † She is still used to being regarded as below everyone else, and having inadequate living standards. By being taught the social rituals of a different class in society, Eliza can become an equal to Higgins and Pickering. By having Eliza in the house, Higgins also learns to control his behaviour. Mrs Pearce asks him â€Å"not to come down to breakfast in his dressing gown or use it as a napkin† because this is unacceptable, and he is supposed to be setting an example to Eliza. This shows that no matter what their social standing, everyone can improve their education, even though it may be arduous. When Eliza has her first speaking lesson, she realises that it is not going to be as easy as she originally thought â€Å"I can't hear no difference cep that it sounds more genteel-like when you say it† she moans. However, the knowledge that she has already gained from Higgins encourages her to continue because she can see that education will improve her life and the way she lives it. By changing Eliza's appearance, Higgins and Pickering begin to make her acceptable in higher-class society. â€Å"(Eliza, who is exquisitely dressed, produces an impression of such remarkable distinction and beauty as she enters that they all rise)†. Even though she looks presentable, Eliza is unaccustomed to the etiquette and behaviour of the upper classes, as Higgins tells her â€Å"†¦ to keep to two subjects of conversation†. This is because she is unreserved in her speech. When she attends Mrs. Higgins's â€Å"at-home day† she talks about her drunken father and swears, both of which is inappropriate behaviour. She talks of the death of her aunt, â€Å"What become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? Somebody pinched it; and what I say is, them as pinched it done her in†. Here, her grammar is poor and she uses slang. This is unacceptable to the company she is with. Higgins learns that this is the key area he needs to work on, as she gives â€Å"herself away with every sentence she utters†. It proves that education goes deeper than appearances; Eliza has to change from the inside. Eliza did change internally when she had to learn new skills. Without them, the material possessions such as jewellery and clothes would have been futile. She learns to speak more eloquently, she first spoke with a Cockney accent, and ended up having the hostess at an Embassy in London say that â€Å"she speaks English perfectly†. In fact, they say that she is not English, â€Å"Only foreigners, who have been taught to speak it, speak it so well†. This concludes that is possible to alter one's social standing through education, and that both social and academic knowledge is compulsory to make this transition. The transformation of Eliza affects her whole outlook on life. Eliza does not really realise it until the end of the character shift, when she is unsure of where she is headed. â€Å"Oh! If only I could go back to my flower basket! Why did you take my independence away from me? † Higgins tells her â€Å"Why, six months ago you would have thought it the millennium to have a flower shop of your own†. However, now that she is more aware of the world, she becomes more ambitious. Her education has allowed her to see herself and analyse her life † I'll advertise it in the papers that your duchess is only a flower girl that you taught, and that she'll teach anybody to be duchess just the same in six months for a thousand guineas†. This demonstrates her confidence and also her increased academic knowledge; she feels able to teach people. Even Higgins notices the change within her. â€Å"You were like a millstone around my neck. Now you're a tower of strength. † He is proud of her achievements. This is a radical change from the beginning of the play, when he was constantly insulting her. He even admits that he has â€Å"learnt something from (her) idiotic notions: I confess that humbly and gratefully†, showing that he has become more open minded to other people's ideas. The characters have changed on the outside and from within. It is only by having a greater awareness of the world that Eliza could say â€Å"†¦ When a child is brought to a foreign country, it picks up the language†¦ and forgets its own. Well, I am a child in your country. I have forgotten my own language and can speak nothing but yours. This shows her knowledge of culture and behaviour, as well as using appropriate language and a total change on her part, which she benefits from. She has undergone a dramatic self-improvement. Higgins has not changed so radically, but has learned â€Å"the great secret. (It) is not having bad manners or good manners or having any other particular kind of manners, but having the same kind of manner for all human souls. † He has finally learned to treat Eliza as an equal, which is a valuable lesson learnt from her. Both Higgins and Eliza have been nurtured, to become better people, by having a greater academic and social understanding.

Monday, September 16, 2019

English Lit Coursework Essay

Compare the ways in which the authors present contrasting worlds/ places and their thematic significance in Othello and two other texts. In all of the novels; ‘Othello’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, the authors, Shakespeare, Bronte and Fitzgerald, demonstrate how contrasting worlds disrupt equilibrium, especially the harmony or even possibility of relationships. The ultimate disruption within all of these texts is the barrier of class. In Wuthering Heights, Bronte compares the two houses; Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, to highlight the distance class creates between Heathcliff and Cathy, by embodying the characters and their values in the imagery of the houses. Wuthering Heights essentially is a deteriorating farm house. Bronte represents Heathcliff with this house, it’s anaesthetically pleasing and neglected, described as ‘a perfect misanthropist’s heaven’, giving reclusive and desolate connotations, reflecting the way Heathcliff becomes remote from society and isolated. On the other hand, Bronte describes Thrushcross Grange grandly, ‘carpeted with crimson’, ‘crimson covered chairs and tables’, this choice of colour gives rich connotations, of a ‘splendid place’, The choice of lexis ‘splendid’ giving an upper class tone . Nevertheless neither of Cathy or Heathcliff seems to prefer the luxurious Thrushcross Grange. Bronte does present Cathy to be superficial at times, but when Cathy tells Nelly about her dreams she explains that ‘heaven did not seem to be my home’ and that she ‘woke up sobbing for joy’ when she was flung ‘into the middle of the heath on top of Wuthering Heights’, Bronte uses this therefore to signify that Cathy sees Wuthering Heights and the moors as her heaven. Likewise she wants the window open when ill at Thrushcross Grange; here Bronte enforces the theme of imprisonment and entrapment, in a foreign world. Equally Thrushcross Grange has always been an alien and uncomfortable place to Heathcliff as we see when he chooses to grieve on the out skirting grounds of Thrushcross Grange in contrast with Edgar who stays inside. Nevertheless Bronte relates Cathy, a Linton to be, to Thrushcross Grange, a world of refinement and elegance, complimenting Cathy’s own descriptions as she grows into a lady Similarly to Wuthering Heights, Fitzgerald presents the comparison in class of two places, the buildings of East and West Egg in particular. West Egg is seen to be â€Å"the less fashionable of the two,† lacking in conventional aesthetics of refined and classy housing estates. This is shown by the fact Nick’s bungalow is carelessly built in the space between two mansions, this paints a garish image of clashing buildings. Whereas East Egg is ‘glittered’ with houses that are described as ‘white palaces’ with well kept lawns, suggesting well kept, good quality people, over all setting a lavish and opulent scene. Never the less, the houses themselves are concentrated on more so in Wuthering Heights as they are the dominant symbol of the two separate worlds, whereas Gatsby concentrates on the society around East Egg and West Egg, in order to emphasize the difference of the world Daisy and Tom inhabit in comparison to Gatsby’s world. Fitzgerald creates the symbolism of East and West Egg by choosing to rename Great Neck and Manhasset. West Egg is a place of newly rich settled opportunists, many like Gatsby who are seen to have acquired a fortune overnight and boast this through extravagant houses. West Egg has an overall vibrancy shown through ‘spectroscopic gayety’ with this Fitzgerald suggests a bright, colourful and energetic lifestyle. East Egg however is a fashionable part of Long Island, where the wealthy descendants, of a previous money making generation, live. In contrast with the West, they seem to be more withdrawn from enjoying themselves and proud of their ‘staid nobility’, with the exception of a few lapses at Gatsby’s parties. This lack of living for the moment comes across also in the way that they seem to want more in life in the East, but have no intentions of looking for it. Fitzgerald mocks the ambitionless simplicity of life that for example is demonstrated in Jordan and Daisy’s superficial conversation, ‘We ought to plan something’, ‘All right†¦ What’ll we plan? What do people plan? ‘ Similarly people lack genuine qualities, everything is based on etiquette and image, a prime example of this is when Mrs Sloane invites Gatsby to supper out of politeness but doesn’t expect him to actually come. Equally Shakespeare employs the theme of class, as a barrier between Othello and Desdemona, but unlike Bronte and Fitzgerald, he demonstrates the distinction through the discrimination drawn upon Othello. None the less, Shakespeare does use a comparison of two separate locations, Venice and Cypress. Shakespeare accomplishes a dramatic tone in the play Othello through the use of a variation of techniques, for example dramatic irony. Likewise Shakespeare uses contrasting worlds, for instance the contrast between Venice and Cyprus, Venice is portrayed to be a respected origin, it has a positive representation in the play, being the place in which Desdemona and Othello fell in love. Cypress on the other hand is surrounded in conflict, described as a ‘war-like isle’, a direct comparison to Venice; it is also the place where Othello and Desdemona’s love suffers. The two countries are essential to Shakespeare’s comparison between the worlds of war and love and how Othello struggles to find a balance between the two. ‘The warlike moor’ encounters the conflict between the roles of being an inexperienced loving husband and a hardened military soldier. He’s used to of course an all male environment, a soldier’s life style, uneducated in the domestic world of females. He can deal with the ‘flinty and steel couch of war’ yet is ‘little bless’d with the soft phrase of peace. Shakespeare devises Othello’s dialogue to show how he is more comfortable with language from the semantic field of war than pet nick names, calling Desdemona ‘My fair Warrior’. Othello may be respected for his military efforts, after all this is all we see him praised for, no credit is given to the fact he is marrying Desdemona even their wedding celebration is shared with a military celebration. Considering this Shakespeare presents him very much as an outsider, the only black protagonist, he doesn’t qualify as a gentleman, and is included in society purely as he is an acquaintance of Brabantio and Cassio.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

His fiend-Like Queen” is Malcolm’s View of Lady Macbeth at the End of the Play Essay

Act 1 Scene 5 is the first scene where you see Lady Macbeth. In this scene we are told a lot about Lady Macbeth’s character and her relationship with husband, Macbeth. The scene opens with Lady Macbeth reading a letter from Macbeth, which brings our attention to two main points. Firstly, Lady Macbeth is literate, which was very unusual at the time and tells us that she may be a well-educated character. Secondly, it shows us that she is very close to her husband; it wasn’t a common thing to write to your wife from the battlefield because many generals didn’t have the time, but Macbeth has made the time to do this. The content of the letter also shows us a lot; Macbeth tells his wife everything that happened to him in his encounter of the witches, which shows us that he is able to trust his wife. In the letter Macbeth tells his wife that the witches said, ‘Hail King that shalt be!’ When Lady Macbeth reads this her thoughts, just like Macbeth’s, jump straight to murder: ‘that which rather thou dost fear to do/Than wishest should be done.’ Lady Macbeth is determined that Macbeth shall be king and never actually mentions what she will gain from this, ‘Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be/What thou art promised.’ Lady Macbeth appears to know her husband well, ‘†¦yet do I fear thy nature, /It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness.’ This also tells us a lot about Lady Macbeth herself; even after Macbeth has been on the battlefield killing hundreds, most people would see the fact that he could come home and be kind as a great thing, but Lady Macbeth sees this as his weakness. This is thinking very much like the witches ‘foul is fair, and fair is foul.’ Lady Macbeth’s character has many attributes, which may be associated with evil and which is, in turn, part of the witches’ characters. The first of these is the fact that Lady Macbeth is very manipulative: ‘That I may pour my spirits in thine ear.’ She speaks of ‘the Raven’ which is a bird associated with death. When she hears that Duncan will be coming to the castle she immediately thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to kill him, she refers to ‘the fatal entrance of Duncan.’ She calls to the spirits for help: ‘Come you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here†¦. make thick my blood, / Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse†¦. Come to my woman’s breast/And take my milk for gall,’ In this speech she is asking the spirits to take her womanly tendencies away from her so that she is able to kill Duncan without feeling remorse and without those feminine feelings or attributes that may weaken her. In Shakespeare’s time witches were linked with the devil and gave away their femininity when they linked themselves to him, therefore when Lady Macbeth willingly asks for her feminine characteristics to be taken from her own body, she links herself to the supernatural, and therefore the witches. The speech also tells us that Lady Macbeth doesn’t believe that she is normally able to kill someone; she thinks that this is the only way she will be able to do it and is trying to convince herself that she is evil throughout the scene. What is said in this speech is very similar to the one Macbeth makes, when he asks himself to not think about the treason and murder he is committing. This makes another link between Macbeth and his wife when Lady Macbeth says: ‘Come thick night/And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell’. This line shows us a lot, first that it reflects Macbeth’s, ‘Let not light see my black and deep desires’. The fact that she speaks of night links her to the witches, since night is the witches’ element. This line also links her subtly to the main dark themes of the play. Lady Macbeth has a very strong character and is very controlling, which was a characteristic uncommon at the time: ‘†¦and you shall put/This night’s great business into my dispatch.’ She is taking everything into her own hands and seeing all the opportunities she has at that moment, but is failing to see further than that, to the consequences that may come about from her actions. In this scene Lady Macbeth does come across as having an evil nature. She is manipulative and is able to think about killing someone without much second thought, as well as able to link herself to the supernatural and destroy her feminine body in search of a greater power. In scene 6 Duncan arrives at Macbeth’s castle in Inverness. In this scene the first thing the reader realises once you have read it is the dramatic irony in it; Duncan says ‘ The air / Nimbly and Sweetly recommends itself/Unto our gentle senses’ and is talking about how nice the castle is when he is in fact very unsafe at Macbeth’s castle. This scene is also a very good example of Lady Macbeth’s deceiving abilities; she is ‘sweet-talking’ Duncan and being kind, ‘All our service, /In every point twice done then doubled’ and ‘To make their audit at your Highness’ pleasure’: she is being the perfect hostess. She is almost over doing the acting in the way she is flattering him so much, ‘Still to return your own’. Lady Macbeth is very two faced and hypocritical in this scene ‘We rest your Hermits.’ She is taking up Duncan’s reference to prayer, ‘How you shall bid God ‘ild us for your pains’, and this is hypocritical because of the prayers that she made to the ‘spirits/That tend on mortal thoughts’ about taking away her womanly aspects. Scene 7 opens with Macbeth contemplating the plan to murder Duncan. He comes up with three strong reasons why he shouldn’t kill him: ‘First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, /Strong both against the deed; then, as his host,’ but there is still a present desire to be King. Lady Macbeth then comes into the scene and does not like what Macbeth is saying. She starts by putting him ‘on the back foot’ by answering his questions with more questions: ‘Macbeth: How now? What news? Lady Macbeth: He has almost supped. Why have you left the chamber? Macbeth: Hath he asked for me? Lady Macbeth: Know you not he has?’ This is where Macbeth tries to take charge and tells lady Macbeth ‘[They] will proceed no further in this business’ and he tells her that he is happy, ‘I have bought/ Golden opinions from all sorts of people’. She doesn’t take this into account and starts attacking. She starts by emotionally black mailing him, questioning his love for her, ‘Such I account thy love’, asking that, if he says that he wishes to be King and then take it back, how can she trust that he really does love her when he says it. She then attacks his ego, suggesting he is a coward even after he has come back from killing thousands of people on the battlefield: ‘Wouldst thou have that/Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, /And live a coward in thine own esteem.’ She compares him to the cat, which would never go for the fish, ‘Like the poor cat I’thage?’ She is asking him a rhetorical question, putting the thought into his head that he has the desire but not the guts to seize his dreams. She then attacks his manhood: ‘What beast was’t then? That made you break this enterprise to me? When you durst do it, then you were a man; / And to be more then what you were, you would be so much more the man.’ Then to prove her point further, and show us the length she is forcing herself mentally to convince herself she is truly evil, she presents this horrible image: ‘How tender’tis to love the babe that milks me-I would while it was smiling in my face Have plucked my nipple from it’s boneless gums, and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done.’ After this Lady Macbeth manages to sway Macbeth back to the murder with her certainty: ‘Macbeth: If we should fail? Lady Macbeth: We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place, And we’ll not fail.’ She is almost mocking him with the ‘we fail?’ making him feel small with the suggestion of it. Then she asserts her control over him again with ‘And we’ll not fail.’ She then shows us how she is a practical by explaining her plan to Macbeth; ‘His spongy officers, who shall bar the guilt / Of our great quell?’ This speech really convinces Macbeth to go through with the murder and proves once again that, at this point, Lady Macbeth really does have control over Macbeth. This scene shows that Lady Macbeth has many evil traits; she is manipulative and controlling. She is also a very practical woman with her plan. Act 2 Scene 2 opens up with a short soliloquy from Lady Macbeth and the content of this soliloquy is quite contradictory; whereas in Act 1 where Lady Macbeth comes across as very confident, here she says ‘What hath quenched them hath given me fire’ suggesting that maybe she isn’t a naturally confident person and is trying to be. She comes across as being nervous and jumpy, ‘Hark! Peace! It was the owl that shrieked.’ She lacks confidence in her husband: ‘Th’ attempt and not the deed Confounds us.’ Just from hearing Macbeth say, ‘Who’s there? What ho!’ she jumps to the conclusion they have failed in plan. Next we see a whole new side to Lady Macbeth ‘Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done’t.’ This is proof that maybe Lady Macbeth has a heart and is not the cold heartless person she tries to make herself out to be. This is also an example of her stupidity; she doesn’t make the connection between what she says and what she does. Lady Macbeth isn’t a very understanding woman, another sign that she isn’t very clever: when Macbeth comes in he is traumatized by what he has just done, instead of Lady Macbeth being caring and understanding she gets angry at him, ‘Why did you bring these daggers from the place? They must lie there. Go carry them, and smear / The sleepy grooms with blood.’ When Macbeth looks at his bloody hands and says, ‘This is a sorry sight.’ Lady Macbeth replies with ‘A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight.’ That is also a sign of her practicality she is trying to get Macbeth to not dwell on his thoughts. Then there is also another sign of nervousness between them both with the short exchanges when they first meet: ‘Macbeth: When? Lady Macbeth: Now. Macbeth: As I descended? Lady Macbeth: Ay.’ Lady Macbeth isn’t very understanding at all of what her husband is going through and tells him, ‘Consider it not so deeply.’ In act 2 scene 3 we see examples of Lady Macbeth’s practicality and ability to act. The scene opens with Macduff and Lennox entering, wishing to see the King and then finding him dead. Lady Macbeth enters and we see how her acting abilities are still strong, with her pretending she has no idea what has happened ‘What’s the business,’ and it comes across that she genuinely doesn’t seem to have an idea about what is going on. There is the irony of Macduff calling her, ‘O gentle lady,’ when earlier we are given these horrible images by her, ‘And dashed the brains out’. She then manages to keep up the charade by coming across as horrified by the death of the King, ‘Woe, alas! / What, in our house?’ Macbeth then enters and starts to give these flowery speeches: ‘The wine of life is drawn,’ and ‘his gashed stabs looked like a breach in nature’: when these are compared to the initial reaction of Macduff, ‘O horror, horror, horror!’ they appear to be prepared. Lady Macbeth can see this and sees how this is getting her husband into deeper trouble and she faints, drawing the attention away from her husband, another example of Lady Macbeth’s practicality and affection for her husband, she wishes to protect him. It is also possible that the vivid descriptions her husband has given, ‘His silver skin laced with his golden blood’, has really shown to her what they have done and the shock of this may have caused her to faint. It may have also been due to shock in the change of her husband, before this he was a wreck at the thought of what he had done: ‘I am afraid to think what I have done.’ now he is able to lie with apparent ease, talking about the man he murdered so highly, and the guards he murdered while they were still sleeping. She scared at what her husband has become. By the end of act 2 we have seen cracks in Lady Macbeth’s visage, she is not as strong as she believes she is and she lacks the imagination to see this. In Act 3 Macbeth is now King and Lady Macbeth is the queen. The scene opens with Banquo’s soliloquy, then the full royal court entering and Lady Macbeth greets Banquo with great gusto, ‘ If he had been forgotten, / It had been as a gap in our great feast’. After there has been much chatter between Macbeth and Banquo, Banquo leaves and Macbeth dismisses everyone including his ‘Dearest love’: before he was always with her and needed her opinion on decision and she was very much in control. Is this a suggestion that Macbeth doesn’t feel he needs her guidance now or is he trying to be the man Lady Macbeth tried to suggest he wasn’t? She must being feeling rather insignificant now and most probably hurt that after what they had just done that he could dismiss her like that. Act 3 scene 2 opens with Lady Macbeth asking permission to see her husband, ‘Say to the King, I would attend his leisure / For a few words.’ This is very strange because before Lady Macbeth would never have had to ask to see her husband. Does this mean she has lost the power she had over her husband and isn’t in control like she use to be? We then see that Lady Macbeth isn’t the evil person she made herself out to be; we see she is hurting from what has happened: †Tis safer to be that which we destroy, / Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.’ Macbeth then enters and Lady Macbeth forgets about her worries and starts trying to comfort Macbeth, ‘what’s done is done.’ But she isn’t taking her own advice, she is, ‘without content’. Macbeth then talks about his torment and uses this vivid imagery, ‘O full of scorpions is my mind,’ Macbeth then drops hints that something is going to happen, ‘there shall be done / A deed of dreadful note.’ In this same speech Macbeths also uses the imagery of creatures associated with evil and death: ‘The shard-borne beetle’ so we can assume he is talking about the plan to kill Banquo. Lady Macbeth is properly feeling very confused at this point, before Macbeth included her in all the discussions and now she has no idea what he is talking about, ‘What’s to be done?’ So by the end of this scene we have truly seen the soft and ‘feminine’ side to Lady Macbeth: we have also seen the first signs of her coming collapse. We have seen examples of her love for Macbeth by casting aside her own worries to try to look after him. The first key point about Act 3 scene 4 is the notable change in Lady Macbeth’s behaviour. In Act 1 she was very welcoming and talkative with her guests coming across as being a strong character but is this scene she has lost this strong visage, she has to be prompted to welcome her guests, ‘Our hostess keeps her state, but in best time / We will require her welcome.’ After this though we are able to see some of Lady Macbeth’s old characteristics, when Macbeth is distracted with talking to the Murderers, Lady Macbeth notes that he is away too long and reminds him he is holding a dinner, ‘You do not give the cheer,’ an example of her practicality. Soon after Macbeth he rejoins the dinner he mental state deteriorates, when he sees Banquo’s ghost. Lady Macbeth steps in here with her practicality and tries to bring her husband back while passing off his madness as having some sort of fit: ‘My lord is often thus, / And hath been from his youth’ She is finally able to bring him back by attacking his ego again by repeating the line, ‘Are you a man?’ She is then fairly harsh to Macbeth mocking what he said earlier in the play, ‘This is the air-drawn dagger which you said / Led you to Duncan.’ We see her lack of imagination, ‘You look but on a stool.’ She is still unable to understand why Macbeth is suffering. Lady Macbeth is then able to bring Macbeth back to reality, where he starts acting normal but then mentions Banquo again, this sets Macbeth off again as the ghost reappears and he goes mad. Lady Macbeth steps in once again with her practicality and gets rid of the court so she can attend to her husband and before he is able to say to much about the murders, ‘Stand not upon the order of your going. / But go at once.’ When the rest of the court has left, Lady Macbeth changes: her answers become short. At some point she must have realised what Macbeth had been seeing, changing how she was. Is her quietness a response to what Macbeth has become? She believed that this would only take one murder, and now Macbeth has murdered four times. She must be feeling scared, before she was very much in charge and now Macbeth is fully in control and not asking her opinions. There is already the idea of another murder in his head: ‘Strange things I have in head, That will to hand; / Which must be acted ere they may be scanned.’ By the end of this act you can see Lady Macbeth is scared and she has lost the control she had over her husband. She isn’t the strong character she was in Acts 1 and 2 only her practicality is left. Act 5 scene 1 is when Lady Macbeth has finally gone mad. Shakespeare gives little indication of time in the play, but from what we can gather a fair amount of time has passed, and over this time we can tell that he mental state has deteriorated. The scene starts off by telling us that Lady Macbeth has been sleeping walking and going through the routine of writing a letter, then reading it. I believe this refers to the letter she received from Macbeth about the witches; the letter which started the whole affair off. I think that subconsciously she is wishing for everything to go back to that moment so none of this ever happened. She enters sleep walking carrying a candle and the gentlewoman says that Lady Macbeth has, ‘light by her / continually, ’tis her command.’ This is ironic because earlier in the play Lady Macbeth says, ‘pall thee in thy dunnest smoke of hell.’ So after wishing not to see the light she can’t bare to be without it. There is then more irony in this scene, ‘Out damned spot, out I say!’ she is unable to wash the blood from her hands and to Macbeth earlier she says: ‘A little water will clear us of this deed.’ She almost repeats Macbeth’s, ‘Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hands?’: with ‘the smell of the blood still; all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.’ We can see now that she always did understand what her husband was saying, but on a subconscious level: she lacked the imagination to understand when conscious. Earlier in ‘Macbeth’ Lady Macbeth asked: ‘Come thick night / and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell,’ and now she says, ‘Hell is Murky.’ It appears that she is now in her own hell and it is terrifying. Throughout the scene there is more imagery of blood, we have Lady Macbeth mocking Macbeth about being upset about killing Duncan, now she is saying: ‘Who would have thought the man has so much blood in him.’ At first she acted as if she was fine and didn’t have a conscience, we now see that everything had built up and has been affecting her: ‘The Thane of Fife had a wife; where is she now? What, will these hands ne’er be clean?’ She is even suffering for the murders she had nothing to do with. After reading ‘Macbeth’ and carefully analysing Lady Macbeth’s actions throughout I think we are able to feel some pity for Lady Macbeth. I think she can be blamed partly for the Tragedy of ‘Macbeth’ because she did push her husband to commit the murder, but we do not fully see what her motivation for this was. My view is that she was mainly doing what she thought her husband deserved because it is obvious through the play that she is deeply in love with Macbeth. Also taking into consideration the time the play is set was it not Macbeth’s place to stick with what he originally felt and tell her that they would not murder the King? I think pity grows towards her as the play goes on; as the reader you can see a change in her character, which quite clearly shows us that she never intended for Macbeth to become the’evil tyrant’ he did become. Another reason for her to be pitied is that you can see she is in pain and suffering but she ignores this to try and comfort her husband who is more open about his suffering. This drives Lady Macbeth crazy in the end, and the idea that she died because of her love for her husband is tragic. This is why I think Malcolm’s view of lady Macbeth, ‘His fiend-Like Queen’ is unfair towards her and that it was Macbeth’s place to have put a stop to the murder which eventually led to both of their deaths.